I recommend, if you have the Internet connection and gear for it, is hooking up the voice-over-Internet option. The route to saying what you want to say will take some time to figure out and remember because there are just so many things to say. So using either the keystroke voice chat has to be done, much like it was in Tribes 2. Typing everything you want to say in is really hard to do when in the middle of a huge firefight.

The box comes with a cheat sheet keyboard map, but you'll still have to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the controls, especially when it comes to communication, which is the most important part to any part of the game. Some of this confusion is due to the interface, which can be large and confusing at times. It's also very easy to get confused when first beginning to play the game.

It's easy to get confused when your own friendly troops (not involved in your particular squad) begin to run around getting in your way, mucking up your organization. While I personally like the teamwork approach (playing with an organized team is always more fun) the scope and number of friendly troops that can move into the area make it nearly impossible to control at times. It seems that battles don't just request teamwork, they demand it. But if you don't have these disciplined gamers playing together, the battles can dissolve into mass chaos with troops running willy nilly all over the place getting nothing done and losing every fight against more organized enemies. And when you see a couple of squads working together in concert to do something like this, it really is almost like an army simulation of some sort. I've noticed some very organized squads at this point that will drop from a Galaxy transport ship onto the top of an outpost and within a matter of a couple of minutes secure the area, destroy any regeneration pods so reinforcements can't spawn in the base, and set up automated defense turrets with a hack and capture following very closely. At the same time, this level of disorganization depends entirely on the people that are playing. You might think that this could be a bit chaotic and unorganized and you'd probably be right. So far I've seen battles with what must have been close to a hundred people around a base. Three different sides battling over multiple control points and continents has a lot of potential, especially when a lot of people are battling it out at the same time over the same little piece of land. If you want to know more about this, we have previews that go in more depth. So now these three factions, the Terran Republic, Vanu Sovereignty, and New Conglomerate fight over the planet by fighting over bases scattered across the 10 continents and three faction sanctuary islands.

The carving is just turning out to be a very violent matter. After being marooned thanks to a worm hole that decided to close after tons of people had made their way through to the other side, rebellions began and three sides came out with sufficient power to try and carve their own niche on the planet Auraxis. Just as in its base game, these characters can engage through diplomacy and war, and events with varying effects on characters and territory can occur throughout playthroughs.PlanetSide takes place on a planet far away from Earth. Counties and characters adhere to religions and cultures, and characters also have various traits which alter their attributes and represent various personalities and reputations. Like in Crusader Kings II, these lands are divided into hierarchical tiers of titles which can be held by characters, many of whom are playable. It features the continent of Tamriel, as well as Akavir, Atmora, Yokuda and Pyandonea.
The mod began development in 2011, was released in August 2012, and has continued development until the present day, though much of its development team has diverted to Elder Kings II. Elder Kings changes the setting to Nirn from the start of the Interregnum to the Tiber Wars (including Tiber Septim as a 'late game crisis'), replacing the map and the various traits, cultures, and religions with Elder Scrolls equivalents. Players take control of a feudal ruler and their dynasty, and play it from the game's start date to the game's end date.
Like its sequel, Crusader Kings II is a dynasty simulator set in medieval Europe. Elder Kings is a total conversion mod for the grand strategy game Crusader Kings II.